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Hello Lovelies!  Happy Friday!!  This should make you smile.  Even if you’re not an animal lover these pictures are bound to stir up a little joy.  It doesn’t get any cuter than this…











Awe…aren’t they precious?  We know that just like with fashion everyone has their own tastes and that’s why a lot of people are breed specific when picking out a dog, and we understand that.  The problem is there are misconceptions about not being able to find specific breeds at shelters, which is why so many turn to pet stores and breeders.  There are literally thousands of cats and dogs that die each day in shelters awaiting adoption.  You can find all different ages and breeds at shelters and there are rescues all over the country that are breed specific.  It just takes a little research…you can rescue your dream dog! The adorable puppies you see at a pet store came from a puppy mill where their mothers have been bred, almost to death, and have seen only the confinements of a small cage with little or no human interaction.  The puppies are usually taken from their mothers too early and here’s a statistic for you; A state funded survey in California found that nearly half of the puppies sold in pet stores were sick or incubating diseases. This doesn’t count the ones suffering from genetic diseases.  Nearly half!!! Those vet bills can add up quick!

We wanted to give you some information on puppy mills not to make you blue, but to inform you of this sad reality. There is so much information online if you want to learn more…here are just a couple great sites we found…see them here and here.  If you don’t have a lot of time to read at least watch this video, it will only take three minutes of your time.  Please adopt from a rescue and please help get the word out by talking about puppy mills and by sharing this post.  If we all refused to buy dogs from pet stores there would be no more puppy mills.  Remember to follow us via email, bloglovin and/or twitter so you don’t miss out on future Furry Friday or any of our other posts.  Thanks so much for reading!  Have a lovely and relaxing weekend!!!  K&A